業績 (2019)


1) Mihara M, Hayashi A, Fujita K, Kakeue K, Tamura R. : Horizontal saccadic velocity in patients with exotropia before and after unilateral resection and recession surgery. J. Ophthalmol., 2019: 1-6, 2019.
2) Hazama Y, Tamura R. : Effects of self-locomotion on the activity of place cells in the hippocampus of a freely behaving monkey. Neurosci. Lett., 701: 32-37, 2019.
3) Sugimori M, Hayakawa Y, Tamura R, Kuroda S. : The combined efficacy of OTS964 and temozolomide for reducing the size of power-law coded heterogeneous glioma stem cell populations. Oncotarget, 10: 2397-2415, 2019.
4) Mihara M, Hayashi A, Kakeue K, Tamura R. : Longitudinal changes in binocular coordination of smooth pursuit in patients with intermittent exotropia after strabismus surgery. JAAPOS, in press.
5) Hazama Y, Tamura R. : Data on the activity of place cells in the hippocampal CA1 subfield of a monkey performing a shuttling task. Data in Brief., 26: 104467, 2019.


1) Hazama Y, Asano T, Tamura R. : Effects of self-motion on the hippocampal CA1 place cell activities in the freely behaving monkey. 19th FAOPS Congress (FAOPS 2019), Mar 28-31, Kobe, 2019.
2) Mihara M, Hayashi A, Kakeue K, Tamura R. Longitude change of smooth pursuit in patients with intermittent exotropia after strabismus surgery. ARVO 2019 annual Meeting, May 1, Vancouver, 2019.
3) 三原美晴, 田村了以, 掛上 謙, 林 篤志. : 内斜視の水平眼球運動と斜視手術が及ぼす影響. 第57回日本神経眼科学会総会, Oct 4-5, 札幌, 2019.
4) 田村了以, 浅野昂志. : サルの海馬神経活動を記録するためのデータロガーの開発. 第66回中部日本生理学会, Oct 4-5, 新潟, 2019.
