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Nishijo H., Uwano T., Tamura R., and Ono T.: Gustatory and multimodal neuronal responses in the amygdala during licking and discrimination of sensory stimuli in awake rats. J. Neurophysiol. 79: 21-36, 1998.

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小野武年,西条寿夫,上野照子,鐘咏梅,栗本博昭:老齢ラットの場所学習障害に対するコウジン末の改善効果. The GINSENG REVIEW 24: 66-72, 1998.

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鐘咏梅,小野武年,西条寿夫,上野照子,山口英俊:紅蔘末の中枢性作用による老齢ラットの学習・記憶障害の改善.和漢医薬学雑誌 15:237-240, 1998.

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