
西条寿夫,小野武年:第11章 摂食行動.「基礎栄養学 第5版」吉田 勉 編,174-178,医歯薬出版,東京,2003.

小野武年,西条寿夫:6. 認知の神経回路基盤.「新世紀の精神科治療 6 認知の科学と臨床」松下正明 総編集,岡崎祐士,加藤 敏,神庭重信,新宮一成,武田雅俊,丹波真一,山脇成人 編,70-88,中山書店,東京,70-88,2003.

Nishijo H., Hori E., Tazumi T., Eifuku S., Umeno K., Tabuchi E., and Ono T. : Role of the monkey amygdala in social cognition. In Cognition and Emotion in the Brain, by Ono T., Matsumoto G., Llinas R.R., Berthoz A., Norgren R., Nishijo H., and Tamura R. (Ed.) 295-310, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003.

Eifuku S., de Souza W.C., Tamura R., Nishijo H., and Ono T. : On the organization of face memory. In Cognition and Emotion in the Brain, by Ono T., Matsumoto G., Llinas R.R., Berthoz A., Norgren R., Nishijo H., and Tamura R. (Ed.) 73-85, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003.

Komura Y., Tamura R., Uwano T., Nishijo H., and Ono, T. : Transmodal coding for reward prediction in the audiovisual thalamus. In Cognition and Emotion in the Brain, by Ono T., Matsumoto G., Llinas R.R., Berthoz A., Norgren R., Nishijo H., and Tamura R. (Ed.) 383-396, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003.

Tran A.H., Tamura R., Uwano T., Kobayashi T., Katsuki M., Matsumoto G., and Ono T. : Dopamine D2 receptor-knockout changed accumbens neural response to prediction of reward associated with place in mice. In Cognition and Emotion in the Brain, by T. Ono, G. Matsumoto, R. R. Llin_s, A. Berthoz, R. Norgren, H. Nishijo, and R. Tamura (Ed.) 493-508, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003.

Wiener S.I., Shibata R., Tabuchi E., Trullier O., Albertin S.V., Mulder A.B : Spatial and behavioral correlates in nucleus accumbens neurons in zones receiving hippocampal or prefrontal cortical inputs. In Cognition and Emotion in the Brain, by Ono T., Matsumoto G., Llinas R.R., Berthoz A., Norgren R., Nishijo H., and Tamura R. (Ed.) 275‐292, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003.

池本桂子,上野照子,石橋一寿,永津郁子,西村明儒,西克治,小野武年,西条寿夫,澁谷治男: 胎生期ストレスがカテコールアミン(CA)ニューロンの発生に与える影響:形態的アプローチ.脳と精神の医学,14:323‐330,2003.

Tabuchi E., Mulder A.B., and Wiener S.I. : Reward value invariant place responses and reward site associated activity in hippocampal neurons of behaving rats. Hippocampus, 13: 117-132, 2003.

Hori E., Tabuchi E., Matsumura N., Tamura R., Eifuku S., Endo S., Nishijo H., and Ono T. : Representation of place by monkey hippocampal neurons in real and virtual translocation. Hippocampus, 13: 148-154, 2003.

Kobayashi T., Tran A.H., Nishijo H., Ono T., and Matsumoto G. : Contribution of hippocampal place cell activity to learning and formation of goal-directed navigation in rats. Neuroscience, 117: 1025-1035, 2003.

Nishimura F.T., Fukunaga T., Yokomukai Y., Kajiura H., Ono T., and Nishijo H. : Age-dependent changes in electroencephalo- graphic responses to alcohol consumption in Japanese subjects. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res., 27: 841-848, 2003.

Takakura H., Umeno K., Tabuchi E., Hori E., Miyamoto K., Aso S., Watanabe Y., Ono T., and Nishijo H. : Differential activation in the medial temporal lobe during a sound-sequence discrimination task across age in human subjects. Neuroscience, 119: 517-532, 2003.

Umeno K., Hori E., Tabuchi E., Takakura H., Miyamoto K., Ono T., and Nishijo H. : Gamma-band EEGs predict autonomic responses during mental arithmetic. Neuroreport, 14: 477-480, 2003.

Dayawansa S., Umeno K., Takakura M., Hori E., Tabuchi E., Nagashima Y., Oosu H., Yada Y., Suzuki T., Ono T., and Nishijo H. : Autonomic responses during inhalation of natural fragrance “Cedrol” in humans. Auton. Neurosci.-Basic, 108: 79-86, 2003.
Fukuda Y., Yamamura J., Uwano T., Nishijo H., Kurokawa M., Fukuda M., Ono T., and Shiraki K. : Regulated transgene delivery by ganciclovir in the brain without physiological alterations by a live attenuated herpes simplex virus vector. Neurosci. Res., 45 : 233-241, 2003.
Asahi T., Tamura R., Eifuku S., Hayashi N., Endo S., Nishijo H., and Ono T. : A method for determination of stereotaxic coordinates in single-unit recording studies in monkeys by high-resolution 3-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging. Neurosci. Res., 47 : 255-260, 2003.

◇総説 他
西条寿夫:シリーズ精神医学用語解説. 262. 扁桃体, 扁桃核. 臨床精神医学, 32: 1010-1011, 2003.

Nishijo H., Hori E., and Ono. T. : Role of the monkey amygdala in social cognition and non-verbal communication. J.Brain Science, 29: 10-15, 2003.