Unraveling the neuronal mechanisms of emotion, decision-making, social behaviour and pain
We are working day and night to find out how our brain works when it processes emotion, memory, social behavior and pain. The big question is how various sensory information is processed in the brain to generate emotions and related behaviors. We deploy a combination of neurophysiological, genetical and computational methods to study the circuits that control sensation, movement, emotion, decision-making, memory and reward in a variety of experimental model animals.
International and Heterogeneous
This department has always been an international lab. Currently we have students from Brazil, Mongolia and Pakistan as well as Japan. Although we are part of the Medical faculty, current members include physiotherapists, judo-therapists, acupuncturists, pharmacists and medical doctors. Some of us even have a degree in psychology, history, agriculture and engineering. Such diversity makes our daily work and research more interesting.