
Javan Lee Tze Han
大学院生 Ph.D. Student

現在の研究テーマ(current research project)

抱 負 (ambitious future plan)

Transfer of learning can occur from past experiences to novel situations to benefit behaviour in fascinating ways. This includes the generation of creative knowledge and improvement in performance on unrelated tasks. In these cases, learning transfer may require novel connections between seemingly unrelated mental representations. It is thought that sleep, in particular rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, may favour the discovery of such unexpected links. My current research aim is to understand the neural mechanisms that enable the discovery of such links.

専門分野 (background scientific field)

Biomedical Science, Synaptic Plasticity

略 歴(personal history)

August 2015 - June 2019
Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore
(BSc in Life Sciences, Specialization in Biomedical Science)

October 2020 - September 2022
University of Toyama, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences
(MSc in Medical Sciences)

業 績(publications)

  • Lee,JTH, Pang, KKL, Ang, SRX, Sharma, M, & Sajikumar, S Inhibition of lysine methyltransferase G9a/GLP reinstates long-term synaptic plasticity and synaptic tagging/capture by facilitating protein synthesis in the hippocampal CA1 area of APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Translational Neurodegeneration; 10(1), 1-3, 2021

趣味・特技(hobby, specialty)


アピールポイントなど特に記載したいこと(appeal to the audiences)
