
Khaled Ghandour
Specially Appointed Assistant Professort

現在の研究テーマ(current research project)

The human brain stores many information every day, it is very elusory how all these information are accurately stored to allow the specific recall of that memory when it is required. A phenomenon which is called Memory allocation.

抱負(ambitious future plan)

"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration" a quote by Thomas Edison which has always given me hope to pursue for my dreams and never accept failure as an option, By giving a simple equation that working hard will always lead to success. I am trying to solve one of the great mysteries of the brain which is the acquisition of the memory.

専門分野 (background scientific field)

Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Enzymology, Molecular Biology

略 歴(personal history)

Graduate (Ph.D.) Student, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toyama, Japan .
Instructor & Teaching Assistant, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt (2013-2015).
Bachelor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt 2012

趣味・特技(hobby, specialty)

Soccer, Snowboarding, Horse riding, Travelling.

アピールポイントなど特に記載したいこと(appeal to the audiences)

A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.