
Seung Min Um
助教 (Assistant Professor)

現在の研究テーマ(current research project)

Mechanisms underlying information processing in idling brain

抱負(ambitious future plan)

Explore the brain networks responsible for the information of memory and how it affect future decisions and actions.

専門分野 (background scientific field)

Electrophysiology (acute slice), Behavioral neuroscience, Molecular neuroscience, Neuropharmacology

略 歴(personal history)

2013-2018 M.S. and Ph.D, Department of Biological Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea
2008-2012 B.S., Department of Biology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, US

業 績(publications)

  • Seo J, Hwang H, Sohn H, Cho E, Jung SM, Kim S, Um SM, Kim JY, Kang M, Choi Y, Kim JH, Kim M, Kim SY, Lee SK, Ahnn J, Rhim H, Jo DG, Kim E, and Park M.
    Cyclin Y regulates spatial learning and memory flexibility through distinct control of the actin pathway.
    Molecular Psychiatry. 3:1351-1364. (2023).
  • Lie E, Yeo Y, Lee EJ, Shin W, Kim K, Han KA, Yang E, Choi TY, Bae M, Lee S, Um SM, Choi SY, Kim H, Ko J, and Kim E.
    SALM4 negatively regulates NMDA receptor function and fear memory consolidation.
    Communication Biololgy. 4:1138. (2021).
  • Kim SG, Lee S, Kim Y, Park J, Woo D, Kim D, Li Y, Shin W, Kang H, Yook C, Lee M, Kim K, Roh JD, Ryu J, Jung H, Um SM, Yang E, Kim H, Han J, Heo WD, Kim E.
    Tanc2-mediated mTOR inhibition balances mTORC1/2 signaling in the developing mouse brain and human neurons.
    Nature Communications. 12:2695. (2021).
  • Chung C, Ha S, Kang H, Lee J, Um SM, Yan H, Yoo YE, Yoo T, Jung H, Lee D, Lee E, Lee S, Kim J, Kim R, Kwon Y, Kim W, Kim H, Duffney L, Kim D, Mah W, Won H, Mo S, Kim JY, Lim CS, Kaang BK, Boeckers TM, Chung Y, Kim H, Jiang YH, and Kim E.
    Early correction of NMDAR function improves autistic-like behaviors in adult Shank2-/- mice.
    Biological Psychiatry. 85:534-543. (2018).
  • Jung H, Park H, Choi Y, Kang H, Lee E, Kweon H, Roh JD, Ellegood J, Choi W, Kang J, Rhim I, Choi SY, Bae M, Kim SG, Lee J, Chung C, Yoo T, Park H, Kim Y, Ha S, Um SM, Mo J, Kwon Y, Mah W, Bae YC, Kim H, Lerch JP, Paik SB, and Kim E.
    Sexually dimorphic behavior, neuronal activity, and gene expression in Chd8-mutant mice.
    Nature Neuroscience. 21: 1218-1228. (2018).
  • Um SM, Ha S, Lee H, Kim J, Kim K, Shin W, Cho YS, Roh JD, Kang J, Yoo T, Noh Y, Choi Y, Bae YC, and Kim E.
    NGL-2 Deletion Leads to Autistic-like Behaviors Responsive to NMDAR Modulation.
    Cell Reports. 23:3839-3851. (2018).
  • Jang S, Oh D, Lee Y, Hosy E, Shin H, van Riesen C, Whitcomb D, Warburton JM, Jo J, Kim D, Kim SG, Um SM, Kwon SK, Kim MH, Roh JD, Woo J, Jun H, Lee D, Mah W, Kim H, Kaang BK, Cho K, Rhee JS, Choquet D, and Kim E.
    Synaptic adhesion molecule IgSF11 regulates synaptic transmission and plasticity.
    Nature Neuroscience. 19:84-93. (2016).

趣味・特技(hobby, specialty)

Soccer, Listening to music, Watching movies and Enjoying nature

アピールポイントなど特に記載したいこと(appeal to the audiences)

Deciphering the brain is one of the greatest challenges for our humanity.