
Wang Haiyan
大学院生 (PhD student)

現在の研究テーマ(current research project)

Idling-brain based inference emergence requires circuits between different brain regions.
It seems that circuits show different plasticity properties between NREM and REM sleep period.
My project is to explore circuit plasticity properties of idling-brain based inference emergence in behaving mice.

抱負(ambitious future plan)

Try to be water and try to be someone.
Try to be qualified to be a researcher in the future, uncover the mechanism of the memory and devote to pharmacy to save lives.

専門分野 (background scientific field)

Clinical Pharmacy, T2DM complicated NAFLD, Inflammation, Glucose-Lipid Metabolism.
Followed by Professor.Yin

略 歴(personal history)

2022-NOW, PhD student, Department of Biochemistry, University of Toyama.
2021 , Special Research Student in the University of Toyama.
2019-2022, Master`s degree in Clinical Pharmacy, Xuzhou Medical University.
2014-2019, Bachelor`s degree in Clinical Pharmacy, Xuzhou Medical University.

業 績(publications)

  • Yang T, Yang H, Heng C, Wang H, Chen S, Hu Y, Jiang Z, Yu Q, Wang Z, Qian S, Wang J, Wang T, Du L, Lu Q, Yin X.
    Amelioration of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by sodium butyrate is linked to the modulation of intestinal tight junctions in db/db mice.
    Food Funct. 2020 Dec.

趣味・特技(hobby, specialty)

Table-tennis, Travel, Movies, Sports

アピールポイントなど特に記載したいこと(appeal to the audiences)

Try to be water, and you will benefit from it absolutely.