Hori E., Shojaku H., Watanabe N., Kawasaki Y., Suzuki M., de Araujo MF., Nagashima Y., Yada Y., Ono T., Nishijo H.Effects of direct cedrol inhalation into the lower airway on brain hemodynamics in totally laryngectomized subjects.
Auton Neurosci. 168(1-2):88-92, 2012.
Hori E., Tabuchi E., Matsumura N., Ono T., Nishijo N.
Task-dependent and independent synchronous activity of monkey hippocampal neurons in real and virtual translocation.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 5:36. doi: 10.3389, 2011.
Hori E., Tsunoda M., Takeshima M., Suzuki M., Kurachi M., Ono T. and Nishijo H.
Sexual Influence on Gaze-Guided Social Attention.
Neurobiologia, 72: 9-20, 2009.
Hori E., Nishio Y., Kazui K., Umeno K., Tabuchi E., Sasaki K., Endo S., Ono T. and Nishijo H.
Place-related neural responses in the monkey hippocampal formation in a virtual space.
Hippocampus, 15: 991-996, 2005.
Hori E., Tazumi T., Kobayashi T., Umeno K., Kamachi M., Ono T. and Nishijo H.
Effects of facial expression on shared attention mechanisms.
Physiol & Behav, 84: 397-405, 2005.
Hori E., Tabuchi E., Matsumura N., Tamura R., Eifuku S., Endo S., Nishijo H. and Ono T.
Representation of place by monkey hippocampal neurons in real and virtual translocation.
Hippocampus. 13: 190-196. 2002.
Hori E., Uwano T., Tamura R., Miyake N., Nishijo H. and Ono T.
Effects of a novel arginine-vasopressin derivative, NC-1900, on the spatial memory impairment of rats with transient forebrain ischemia.
Cognitive Brain Research. 13: 1-15. 2002.
堀 悦郎、 小野武年、 西条寿夫
瞳孔科学の新しい展開 瞳孔反応と情動.Annual Review神経2013, 中外医学社, 253-261, 2013.
堀 悦郎、 小野武年、 西条寿夫
瞳孔は全脳機能のindicator.神経内科,72: 77-84, 2009.
堀 悦郎、 小野武年、 西条寿夫
瞳孔と情動発現.自律神経,46: 413-419, 2009.
堀 悦郎、 小野武年、 西条寿夫
瞳孔反応と情動.日本神経眼科学会,26: 416-426, 2009.
堀 悦郎、 小野武年、 西条寿夫
Annual Review神経2004, 中外医学社, 327-339, 2004.
堀 悦郎, 寺澤綾乃、横井秀輔、日出嶋宗一、小野武年、西条寿夫.睡眠中の手掌発汗と自律神経活動.
日本睡眠学会第38回定期学術集会,2013, 9, 6/27-28, 秋田.
Hori E., Ono T. and Nishijo H.
Red Ginseng Ameliorates Learning and Memory Deficits in an Animal Model of Amnesia.
The Symposium for Glocalization of Korean Ginseng. 9, 21-22, 2011, Daejeon, Korea. Invited Symposist
Hori E., R S.Maior, M C.Tavares, Tomaz C., Ono T., Nishijo H.
Role of the superior colliculus in social behaviors of infant monkeys.
Neuro2010, 9, 1, 2010, Kobe, Japan. Symposist
Hori E., Maior R.S., Ono T. and Nishijo H.
Role of the subcortical visual pathway in social cognition.
第32回日本神経科学大会,2009, 9, 名古屋. Symposist
Hori E., Takamoto K., Sakai N., Urakawa S., Ono T. and Nishijo H.
Effect of Acupuncture on Nicotine Addiction.
36th International Congress of Phisyological Sciences (IUPS2009), 2009, 7, 29, 京都. Symposist
Hori E., Ono T. and Nishijo H.
Central and peripheral theory of emotion. -flow of emotional process-
Neuro2007, 2007, 9, 横浜. Symposist
Hori E., Ono T. and Nishijo H.
What behavioral information dose neuronal activity in the limbic system convey?
Neuro2007, 2007, 9, 横浜. ランチョンセミナー
Hori E., Tazumi T., Kobayashi T., Umeno K., Ono T., Nishijo H.
Social cognition related responses in the monkey amygdala.
第83回日本生理学会大会, 2006, 3, 群馬. Symposist
Hori E., Ono T., Nishijo H.
Distal cue dependent place activities in the monkey hippocampal formation in a virtual space.
The 4th International Conference on Memory. Sydney. 2004. Invited